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in reply to Christian Kalkhoff

this is gonna age like milk...

"Azov regiment?[..]The far-right neo-Nazi group has expanded to become part of Ukraine’s armed forces[..]initially formed[..]in May 2014 out of the ultra-nationalist Patriot of Ukraine gang, and the neo-Nazi Social National Assembly (SNA) group. Both groups engaged in xenophobic and neo-Nazi ideals and physically assaulted migrants"…

in reply to mk

do you remember the "fuck the eu"-lady Victoria Nuland?

Thats the woman that knew one month before the putch in ukraine that its gonna happen and talked about finding a new president for ukraine.…

in reply to mk

She's back now and confirming -the former russian war propaganda- that ukraine has biolabs... of the poorest countries in europe has at least one biolab level 3...i'm sure this one will not turn out united states funded like the one in wuhan..
Victoria Nuland: "ukrainian biolabs that we're trying to get control of."…
in reply to mk

what do you think the usa would do if russia putches and replaces the goverment in canada and starts operating a "diagnostic and biodefense laboratories" (absolutelly not a "biological weapons facilities") in canada?


"diagnostic and biodefense laboratories" ...totally not a "biological weapons facilities"..…

in reply to mk

> "will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens."
> "Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials."…


AAhh come one..yes they have anthrax and make experiments with it..but its totally only for defensive purposes..there's nothing to worry about.

in reply to mk

To close the loop... yes the usa probably ended up giving nazis bioweapons...

what can possibly go wrong?